Reflect on your understanding of leadership. How has it changed over your time in PL? What do you think of leadership now/What does leadership mean to you now?
My understanding of leadership has developed significantly throughout my time in the scholars program. I entered college with a somewhat single-minded and even occasionally jaded perspective on leadership. I believed that hard power and vocal, directive leaders were the most effective regardless of the situation, as that was the style that I was used to and effectively worked with in the past. Throughout Policy 201, we learned about the copious different types of leaders and how they all have unique characteristics, strengths, and differences. To that end, non directive style leaders (citizen leaders, wielders of soft power, etc.), are often more effective with regard to reception of feedback/criticism and offer a more cooperative and demographic process. As we continued our studies of the varied leadership styles in colloquium classes and throughout sophomore year, I learned more about hybrid leadership styles, and how the most effective leaders were often a combination of the aforementioned characteristics directive leadership, confidence, but also humility, keeping an open mind, but also receptiveness to new ideas. Leadership doesn’t just mean being a group’s figurehead, it requires motivating the team, being an effective communicator, and representing all members of one’s group through the ideas presented. As I prepare to conclude the colloquium course track, I do so with a new appreciation for what I look up to in a leader and an inspired resolve for self- improvement.
Describe your leadership style referencing Strengths, leadership theories/styles, etc from class
My leadership style very much takes the form of the “black hat”. For better or for worse I am always ready to give feedback or criticism before delivering a presentation or completing work. I am eager to consider multiple perspectives, and will always look for the “devil’s advocate” approach. In PL classroom debates, this was especially useful for composing rebuttals. With regard to the type of leadership, as previously mentioned I gained . While I will be vocal about something if I believe it necessitates sharing, I have improved my collaborative skills to try and be more of a citizen leader; “Talk to Listen, not Listen to Talk”.
What facilitated the change in your understanding of leadership? Upload at least 3 artifacts as evidence and discuss WHY you chose them.